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School Based Educator Professional Development

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Licensed/qualified teachers at any point in their career whether employed or not.

Recent teacher education graduates who, upon graduation and receiving their teaching qualification, want to increase their experience and expand opportunities for employment at home and abroad.

In-service educators who want to fulfill teacher licensure renewal requirements, achieve a further professional qualification, receive graduate school course credit, move to a higher pay rate.

Individuals who can be depended upon to offer professional service in the host school.


Two to eight-week unpaid volunteer experience through which each participant serves as a professional colleague in a school in a cultural setting different from that which they know.

As professionally qualified teachers, participants determine expectations of their placement through communication with the host school administration prior to travel. There are no specific EA requirements and thus no EA assessment process.


EATeachers, Go Abroad participants:

  • Gain experience by partnering with educators in a school in a different community.
  • Acquire an international/cross-cultural understanding of life, education, curriculum, educational policy, and the teaching/learning process.
  • Increase ability to effectively educate students of different cultural backgrounds and to prepare them for the global community they will live in.
  • Develop new networks through which to expand career/employment options in over 8,000 English medium international schools worldwide and government schools in several countries.


EATeachers, Go Abroad school based placements can be arranged in countries on all continents, including the applicant’s home country, to provide experience in other cultural settings and/or accommodate personal circumstances.


  • The placement process works best when applications are received three or more months prior to the proposed start date.
  • The earlier a completed application is submitted the better the chance of being placed in a requested school/community/country.
  • Early applications are welcomed.


Placements are available throughout the calendar year.

  • Placements in the Northern hemisphere are during the August/September to June/July school year and in the Southern hemisphere during the February/March to December school year.
  • Determination of specific dates is based on matching participant interest/availability with the host school calendar.

Determining the specific location and start/end dates of each placement is based on matching participant interest/availability/length of requested placement/and visa restrictions with days that schools are in session.

This match is further complicated by the fact that school calendars change year to year and even vary among schools within the same community. As a result, participants may need to adjust the dates and location for their placement as they work with their EA Placement Director to create an optimal opportunity through which to develop and demonstrate their abilities as professional educators.

Two helpful resources:
  1. The Global Academic Year calendar is a useful tool for determining when schools are in session round the world (chart created by Dave Simons, The Education Company, 2013).
  2. Further detail about scheduling placements in Europe:
    • The usual school year in Europe is three terms (not semesters).
    • Autumn term - first week in September to the week before Christmas – 1 week midterm break end of October; 2 weeks holiday at Christmas.
    • Spring term - first full week in January to the week of, or before, Good Friday – 1 week midterm break end of Feb, 2 weeks holiday at Easter.
    • Summer term - first week after Easter Monday until the end or June or early July – 1 week or 3 day break end of May, 7-9 week summer break.
    • Placements of more than 10 weeks may require an additional week depending on scheduling of school holidays
    • The 90 day tourist visa allows for a 12 week placement if completed within a single term.


While the cost of this experience can be measured in terms of money its value must be considered in terms of personal and professional growth and opportunity.

The EATeachers, Go Abroad program cost is $2,100. Payment is in two parts: a) $1,300 which is submitted along with the completed application, and b) $800 when the placement is made.

Financial considerations

  • For international placements the program cost includes liability, emergency evacuation, and health insurance provided by Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) for the duration of the placement.
  • EATeachers, Go Abroad participant costs include:
    • EA program cost.
    • Arranging and paying for passport, visa, and travel to and from the host school.
    • Meals and accommodation (arranged in cooperation with the host school).
    • Personal expenses.
    • Optional: a gift to the host school as a sign of personal appreciation for the opportunity provided by the school. Participants determine what is considered an appropriate gift through dialogue with their hosts prior to traveling.
  • Refunds: If EA is unable to arrange a placement $750 is refunded. There is no refund of either the placement or program fee once a placement has been made.
  • The cost for participating in T,GA may be adjusted on the first of August each year.


Prior to Enrolling

Prospective participant:

  • Determines whether to proceed following review of requirements and expectations outlined on EATeachers, Go Abroad www pages.
  • Completes and submits the EATeachers, Go Abroad application form, including required materials.

Upon Entry

EA faculty:

  • Admit to the program(me) those applicants who can be expected to serve as effective professionals in the host school.
  • Assume responsibility for arranging a placement that meets the needs of both the applicant and the host school
  • Facilitate dialogue between the applicant and host school to help assure that participant and school expectations are clarified and accepted.
  • Monitor and support participants and host school colleagues throughout the placement.


  • Communicates directly with the school to arrange accommodation, plan their work, and arrange for their arrival in the host community.
  • Assumes responsibility for all aspects of their travel, room and board, and work in school.

Host Schools:

  • Determine if they can provide a suitable professional opportunity for an applicant that is equally beneficial for the school
  • Communicate with admitted participants to clarify and agree on expectations

During Participation


  • Serve the school and students with the utmost of professionalism as recognized by their teaching qualification.
  • Respond to communication from the EA faculty member assigned to them and contact that individual if any questions or concerns arise.

Host Schools:

  • Advise and assist participants in arranging for suitable and inexpensive accommodation and meals
  • Provide opportunity for the participant to use their professional abilities in the educational activities of the school throughout the placement.
  • Pay participants for any time they assume responsibilities of employed educators in the school. e.g. serve as supply/substitute teachers

Upon Completion

  • Host school colleagues and, where appropriate EA faculty, provide letters of recommendation on host school or EA letterhead for the participant.
  • EA provides each participant an EA certificate confirming completion of the EATeachers, Go Abroad placement.
  • Optional: Participants join the EATeachers, Go Abroad Community association.

I want to know more – Continue to "I am Considering" I want to know more ... (Opens your own EA www page where all program details are provided - no obligation.)

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